Thursday, November 13, 2008

PALS Meeting- September29, 2008

The following minutes are from the PALS meeting held on September 29, 2008. Managers, please distribute to your club parents prior to the November meeting.

Attendance: Vonnie Anderson, Clint Anderson, Deborah Green, Kimberly Griffith, James Hall, Christie Teutsch, Michael Brown, Wendy Emprimo, Angela Parker, Willie Arnwine, Donny Dickey, Tandi Dickey, Mike Penn, Nikki Penn, Melissa Rathbun, Greg Allen, Michile Partin, Royce Traylor, Donna Beavers, Wendi Green
  1. The minutes from the August meeting were read and accepted.

  2. PALS officer positions were discussed and remaining positions were filled. Officers are as follows:
    President - Vonnie Anderson
    Vice President - Melissa Rathbun
    Secretary - Tandi Dickey
    Treasurer - Amy Goodwin
    Parliamentarian - Donny Dickey
    Reporter - Wendy Emprimo

  3. Program leaders are needed for various projects. Anyone can volunteer to lead the programs and all it takes is general interest in the topic. Materials and information is abundant and will be provided. Sign up sheets were passed around and several parents signed up to lead or assist with programs at the county level.

    The following Project Leaders and Committee Leaders have been established:
    Photography: Wendy Emprimo, Food Show: Vonnie Anderson, Fashion Show: Melissa Rathbun, Livestock Judging: Mike Penn, Shooting Sports – Several interested but leader not established, Entomology – James Hall interested but leader not established, Forestry – Darvin Collins, Horse Judging – Nikki Penn, Vet Science – Amy Goodwin, Jr. Master Gardner – Angela Parker, Small Engine Repair – Donny Dickey, Outdoor Living and Rec – no leader established, Bicycle Safety – Angela Parker,Budget Committee – Amy Goodwin

    2009 Awards and Recognition – Deborah Green, Public Relations Committee –Wendy Emprimo, Meeting Facilitation – Vonnie Anderson, Fundraising/Concession Committee – Vonnie Anderson

    If you have an interest in leading a project or joining a committee please do so.

  4. Future PALS meeting dates and methods were discussed. PALS meetings were set for the 4th Monday Every Other Month. These meetings are face-to-face, but there could be conference calling or IM group meetings set up as well.

  5. Concession Stand volunteering and management was discussed and tabled to the Concession Committee. It was agreed that the committee will determine the rules/requirements for club participation as this is our largest fund raiser (over $4,000 per year). If clubs are not willing to participate we may lose this very profitable fund-raiser.

  6. The awards banquet for 2008 has been set for October 18. This banquet will recognize and award participants for the 2007/2008 year.

  7. Several fundraising ideas were discussed. A Fundraising Committee will be created to address fundraising ideas and manage fundraising events. Vonnie Anderson will lead the committee.

  8. The next PALS meeting is set for November 24.

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