Sunday, October 23, 2011

Concession Committee Meeting

It is time to start planning the concession for county show! Please make plans to meet with Vonnie at the County Extension Office on November 8th at 6pm. We need a representative from each 4H group. See you there!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

4-H Awards Banquet

"Quality Counts"

& 4-H Ipod Dance

Bring your Ipods and MP3 Players...(age appropriate music & lyrics only)

Who is invited: properly enrolled 4-H members & parents only!!!

When: November 5th (6 -11 PM)

Where: Jacksonville Show Barn

Why: For the fun of it!!!

How: with the help of volunteers*

* Each Club must have at least one parent/adult leader present at the barn during the entire program, if that club will have children attending.

4-H Members & Adult Volunteers must be pre-register by contacting the

4-H office no later than

5 PM Tuesday, November 1st

(903) 683-5416

PRICE of Admission: FREE!!!!

6:00 PM - Annual Awards Banquet

6:30 PM - "Quality Counts" Session

8:30 PM - 4-H Dance

11:30 PM - Clean-Up and Go Home!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Archery Workshop Date Changed

Due to a conflict with the Hay Judging Awards Banquet, we will not be meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 18th. Instead we are meeting on Monday, October 24 from 6pm to 8pm at the County Extension Office in Rusk. Anyone that is new or returning to the the archery program must attend this workshop to participate. So mark your calendars, save it to your phone, or put a note on the fridge....Just don't miss this workshop! Pizza will be served to those who attend. Additional information in regards to the archery program will be given out at the workshop!

We hope to see you there! Any questions email Vonnie Anderson