Monday, November 1, 2010

Meeting Reminder

The Cherokee County Jr. Livestock Show Concession Committee will meet tomorrow evening (Tuesday - Nov. 2, 2010) at the CEO from 6 PM to begin planning and discuss details of the 2011 Concession Stand. As in past years, it would be nice to have representation from each club present as we will be setting the work shift schedule.

Please contact Vonnie Anderson, Concession Committee Chair, if you have questions or comments.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


All members or parents who would like to see the rifle discipline of the Cherokee County Shooting Sports program get up and running need to contact the new County Shooting Sports Coordinator, Clint Anderson via email ( to be placed on the meeting list.

Mr. Anderson is already in his second year of coordinating the Archery discipline and has graciously volunteered to Coordinate the Shooting Sports Program as a whole, Providing insight and directions to those who wish to coordinate the other disciplines of the program (pistol, rifle, shotgun,black powder).

An informational meeting will be scheduled within the next month or so to give each of you a better idea of what it will take to start the rifle discipline, as well as what is going to be required of the volunteers who lead/coach the discipline.

I know that many of you have inquired about the rifle discipline saying that you are willing to help but "can't be in charge" for what ever reason. Nothing against any of you directly. However, if this discipline is going to get started, someone will have to step up and take the reigns.

Leading/teaching a project is a scary prospect and I completely understand your hesitance.

If this is something that you would like to have your kids participate in and you are willing to help, please consider this. As parents, we are the most influential leaders in the lives of our children and as such, we lead by example, whether we intend to or not. Stepping out of the "comfort zone" to take the lead teaches them to do the same.

Think of how proud you'd be to see your child take a leadership roll in the 4-H club, church group, school council, sports group, etc...

After all, 4-H is about creating the next generation of leaders by "making the best better".

Friday, August 20, 2010


PALS MEETING MONDAY AUGUST 23, 2010 @ 6:30 PM in the County Extension Office Meeting Room. Please note the PALS Meeting Calendar under the important links section on the upper right side of this blog for future meetings and loose agendas.

As you may or may not know, in response to a mandate from the State Congress, all State Agencies have had to tighten their belts for the remainder of this biennium and reduce there budgets by 5%. Extension did not escape this cut and 4-H has taken the heaviest hit, resulting in the loss of six (6) 4-H agents within our 4-H District alone. Thankfully, Cherokee County was not effected by this initial mandatory reduction in force (RIF) but more cuts are promised within the next year and we must all be ready as it is a sure bet that our county experience cuts in the next go-round. Several issue need to be addressed regarding this possibility to ensure the smooth operation of the county 4-H program in the future.

Please bring with you any ideas or issues that you wish brought to light in regards to future or current projects of programs.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Project Show

The deadline for the Project Show has been extended to August 6th. at 5:00 pm. The site of the event is still to be determined (sorry about that), but we will be at 10:00.

Each participant needs to fill the registration form and get it to Willie by 5:00 pm on the 6th. You may bring it to the Extension Office, mail it or fax.

Just a reminder that photography IS one of the projects, so bring in your photos. We are following the same guidelines we used for county.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010


The end of year PALS meeting will be held on May 24th in the Cherokee County Extension Office @ 6:30 PM.

Topics of discussion include but are not limited to:
Financial Review, Scholarships, Stock Show Concession Stand Review, Shooting Sports - Rifle, New Executive Officer Elections, and New County Project Consideration.

"PALS" stands for 4-H "PARENT AND ADULT LEADERS ASSOCIATION". This is the group that provides funding for all county-wide projects. If you or someone in your club has an interest that is not being pursued and would like to see it offered as a county-wide project then please come to this meeting and make that issue or interest known to all.

In 2010, PALS funded ($3500.00) the Archery Program that is up an running well thanks to the parents and leaders who brought the idea to PALS at the May 2009 meeting. This is the time to bring forth new ideas or revive old ones for consideration for next year. I'd like to see representation from all clubs in the county so please come and meet with us.

Monday, April 5, 2010


A great big thank you goes out to all of the parents and club managers that helped make this years concession stand so successful at the county show. We couldn't have done it without you! If you would like to have input on next years concession operations, then make plans to attend the concession committee meetings in the fall. Watch for the announcement of the date of the first meeting! If we could have representation from every club, that would be GREAT!