August Minutes
The following minutes are from the PALS meeting held on 8-18-08. Managers, please make sure your parent have access to this before the September meeting. Thank you. :-)
Attendance: Vonnie Anderson, Melissa Rathbun, Willie Arnwine and Wendy Emprimo
1. There was much discussion on how we can get more parental involvement in the PALS organization. It was decided that there will be two mandatory meetings per year for ALL parents. The first will be held September 29th, 2008. All parents are required to be at the Orientation meeting for their children to participate this year. The second mandatory meeting will be held on January 26th 2009. The monthly meetings will be set up as "conference calls." These "meetings" will be held the last Monday of each month. Two representatives from each club will be required to participate in this meeting. If the initial representative is not available, then a substitute needs to take their place. (The location of this meeting will be given later.)
2. A few of the officers were elected. Vonnie Anderson is President, Amy Goodwin will remain Treasurer, Wendy Emprimo is Reporter and Interim Secretary. The other officers will be elected after the September meeting.
3. Willie reported that he needs "Project Leaders" to be available for the entire county. One volunteer will lead a particular project, and will be responsible for getting all information out to any interested party. He will make sure we are in contact with the people we need to talk to, and that we have all of the information we need. In essence this takes Willie out of the "middle man" position.
So far the following have volunteered for these projects:
Vonnie Anderson- Food and Nutrition; shooting
Melissa Rathbun - Fashion Show; Consumer Decision Making
Wendy Emprimo - Photography
4. After some discussion it was decided that due to lack of participation, PALS will reduce camp funding. Instead PALS will help pay SOME entrance fees for the Jr. Stock Show. Their will be requirements that need to met.
As a parent, if your child participates in the Stock Show you MUST help with the Concession Stand for you child to receive partial sponsorship with the entrance fee. You must attend both Mandatory meetings. (If you have a legitimate reason for not attending, please run it by Willie.)
5. Managers, please make sure you turn in your Charter Forms to Willie ASAP. This is something that must now be done every year, by every club.
6. To get more involvement from each club with the Concession Stand a new rule has been suggested, but further action was tabled until a quorum could be gathered.
7. We also discussed many fundraising ideas. One idea was a "Bingo Night." Willie is going to visit the Diboll 4-H club to gather more information, and will report back in September.
8.Willie Arnwine and Melissa Rathbun were elected to the the By Law Committee and the Budget Committee.
Interim Secretary
Wendy Emprimo